Zhu, Runsong 朱润松


Zhu, Runsong
PhD Student


Email: zhurunsong AT gmail DOT com

About Me

Hi, I am Runsong Zhu (朱润松), a first-year PhD student in CSE, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Chi-Wing Fu, Philip and Prof. Pheng-Ann Heng. Before that, I received my master's degree in LIESMARS, Wuhan University supervised by Prof. Bisheng Yang and Prof. Zhen Dong in 2022 and bachelor's degree in Central South University in 2019.

My research is focused on 3D Vision, specifically, I currently work on the topic of surface reconstruction.




AdaFit: Rethinking Learning-Based Normal Estimation on Point Clouds.

Runsong Zhu*, Yuan Liu*, Zhen Dong, Yuan Wang, Tengping Jiang, Wenping Wang, Bisheng Yang.
(* equal contribution)
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV), 2021 (Oral, top 3%).
[Project Page][Paper] [Poster] [Video]


SSP: Semi-Signed Prioritized Neural Fitting for Surface Reconstruction From Unoriented Point Clouds.

Runsong Zhu, Kang Di, Ka-Hei Hui, Yue Qian, Shi Qiu, Zhen Dong, Linchao Bao, Pheng-Ann Heng, Chi-Wing Fu.
(Work partially done during an internship at Tencent AI Lab)
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision(WACV) 2024.
[Project Page][Paper] [Poster]

